Panton Macet Ben Nyacam

Minggira ka Pak Hasan
Napak na gik lagghu-lagghu
Lambek na napa'a kassan
Rassana gik jeuh ungguh

Kenal-kenalan ben toghelan
Mintak gember na tak i beken
Aduhh.. macet na jelan
Kosek leppang soko si nekken

A'jelan bik soko
A'ocak bik colok
Ontong nga napak bengko
Olle madeng kella celok


Kopeng nga oreng si macam2
Bede si lobeng bede si coper
La ambu fiya jek nyacam2
Pade na ben si tak minger!

huahuahuahuahua.......sakek na tabuk gelekk..!!
bule ngarang delem mobil, macet berat, sambik napak bengko..!!
naa...terbukti klo macet, org normal bisa sakit mental...! hahahaha..!!

>>added on 29th april 08: Atas permintaan minta di-translate, biar semua paham, ..(takut tambah tk paham jee...hahahha)

Pantun Jam & Merepek!
>> pantun nih aku krg dlm keta waktu tgh jam giler... and org normal pun bole jadi gile dlm jam camnie...hehe

Balik umah Pak Hasan

Sampai-sampai dah pagi
Lambatnye nak sampai
Rasanye mcm jauh lagi..

Kenalan dgn kawan
mintak gambar tak bagi
aduhh jam nye jalan
tekan clutch penatnye kaki

jalan pakai kaki
cakap pakai mulut
sampai umah senang hati
dapat makan kuah celok*

*kuah celok = masak asam, sejenis masakan org bawean yg common, klo tk tau kella celok tuh apa, bukan org bawean.

telinga orang byk jenis
ada berlobang ada biase ..
udah2 tuh fiya tak yah merepek*
macam orang gile jee...

*yg nie, aku tak leh nak wat ape la..tok leh rhyming...hahaha



Dalam meniti jambatan waktu
Ada kala kesandung batu
Prinsip adalah mata yang mengawas
Semangat adalah kaki yang memacu
Boleh saja terjatuh di suatu saat
Namun akan tetap kembali bangun

Getaran jiwa
Saat dilantunkan ayatullah
Pedih tamparannya terasa menghujam
Tapi sejuk mengisi ruang terdalam
Haruskah terbiasa dalam sendirian
Karna kita tak akan selamanya berdampingan
Suatu saat pasti menghilang

Dalam meredah belantara angan
Pasti lewat denai berduri
Tapi kalau terlalu memikir ke depan
Jalan kita pendek, kata sang jauhari
Tetap lah dalam jalanmu
Siapa tau, di ujung sana kita bertemu?

by f14/280408/11AM


My Mom's New Hobby

That brown clay pot is filled with water, and there's a glass-bowl of soil in it, decorated with marbles.


Reality of Hope

A friend came to me and shared a little few things he currently felt uncontrollable with. He realized he got problems. He's just like other smart man I’ve known, looking for best solution whenever facing a problem. But, when problems keep accompanying the day, one after another, we would tend to worry and afraid of stumbling upon our own reaction. Well, I never knew whether I ever be a good advisor for other people, but I’ve tried to become an excellent one for myself, at least.

I remember one saying, problem creates opportunity. But, words are always easier said than done. We need a lot more effort to gain the objective. At this point of time, we would start talking about positive thinking, positive perceptive, positive attitude, all in all positivism that we could possibly achieved. But, one thing I could think of to summarize all these is; Faith. Also could be represented as; Hope. When there is time where we could take a deep breath in a middle of tightness of our surrounding, there comes hope. There comes the strong belief to hold on to faith. Until one can sincerely tell to himself, “Don’t worry, dear. In the end, everything will be just fine”.

But, not everyone think the same way. They feel hopes are useless, since they have their own perception and understanding of what life really means. Zig Ziglar in one of his books said, hope is not passive-it is an active attitude. Life itself is not passive-it requires an active attitude. Many times in our life we filled with great expectations. Study revealed that people with great expectations get the most out of everything. Oftentimes, we don’t get everything we expect, but as compensation, many times we get many things we did not expect. This expectation principle applies to all of life. Good or bad the result is, all are subjective to own evaluation. So, don’t get fed up, put up hope and hold on to faith, live that problematic life with enjoyment; treat each of it as a mission, because you won’t know what satisfaction waiting ahead of you once a mission is completed.


Harapan Ungu

biru itu datang lagi
tersambut oleh lembayung merah hati
menyatu dalam ruang harap
menjadi ungu
itu inginku



Tentang Lebah Madu

Demi menyahut seruan untuk menambah ilmu, maka topik lebah madu jadi pilihan saya kali ini. Semoga sama-sama mendapat manfaat.

An-Nahl : 69 - kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu ke luar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan.

Dua artikel telah menjadi rujukan saya untuk ringkasan informasi tentang lebah:
- Lebah Madu oleh Harun Yahya
- Lebah Madu: Sang Arkitek dan Penari Ulung

Berikut ini secara ringkas keajaiban lebah:
  1. Madu – zat bergizi campuran nektar (sari madu bunga) dengan cairan khusus dari tubuh lebah.
  2. Lebah menghasilkan madu lebih dari keperluan dirinya. Ini tidak lain adalah untuk dimanfaatkan oleh kebutuhan makhluk lainnya.
  3. Lebah dalam sarangnya hidup bermasyarakat, punya tugas masing-masing dan punya peraturan yang luar biasa.
  4. Dua ciri penting kebijaksanaan penataan sarang oleh lebah:
    1. Pengaturan lembapan dan pertukaran udara
      • tahap kelembapan tertentu penting untuk tingkat keawetan madu yang tinggi
      • suhu sarang harus 35 darjat celcius selama 10 bulan.
      • pertukaran udara dan dorongan udara ke semua sudut sarang dilakukan lebah silih berganti dengan sangat rukun
    1. penataan kesehatan
      • untuk menghindar perkembangan bakteria, zat-zat asing dicegah memasuki sarang
      • untuk benda asing lebih besar dan tak dapat dibuang dari sarang, pembalsaman dengan getah lebah digunakan. (Penghasilan “propolis” atau getah lebah daripada campuran cairan dari tubuh lebah dengan getah pohon-pohon seperti pinus, hawwar dan akasia). Propolis mencegah bakteri apa pun hidup di dalamnya.
      • getah lebah juga digunakan untuk menutup keretakan sarang.
  1. Ciri kantung-kantung tempat penyimpanan madu dalam setiap sarang:
    1. ribuan kantung madu dalam sarang dibuat daripada sejenis bahan baku lilin dan berbentuk heksagonal.
    2. heksagonal atau segi enam; bentuk ini dipilih berdasarkan ciri penting yang paling efisien dalam penghasilan kuantiti madu.
    3. kelebihan bentuk heksagonal adalah isipadunya yang tinggi dengan ukur lilit yang paling kurang berbanding bentuk-bentuk lain. Jadi, material yang diperlukan untuk membina satu kantung adalah paling minimal, dan kapasiti penyimpanannya pula adalah yang paling maksimal.
  2. Lebah berkomunikasi dengan menari
    • Lebah harus mengunjungi sekitar empat juta kuntum bunga untuk menghasilkan setengah kilogram madu. Koloni-koloni lebah pemandu akan mencari arah lokasi sumber bunga dan menyampaikan kepada koloni lebah pencari makan. Informasi ini disampaikan menggunakan gerakan tari yang sangat bijak.


Gamelan .. anyone?

Belakangan ini byk yg mengingatkanku ke Terengganu. Kenapa ya? Aku rindu Terengganu atau Terengganu rindukan aku ? Hehe ... Pantai Tok Jembal, keropok lekor, bandar KT, Pulau Kapas, ... ahh ... byk lagii tak tersebut semuanya ... Dan baru-baru ini, ada yg bertanyakan ttg muzik. Kalau dikaitkan dgn pengalamanku main muzik di Terengganu, terus tergambar dalam fikiran "Gamelan Terengganu", muzik tradisional yang aslinya dari Jawa. Tapi, cuma saron satu-satunya alat yang paling aku mahir krn variasi kodnya yg sedikit, mudah diingat. Hehe ... Lagu 'Timang Burung' dan 'Topeng' pernah jadi kesukaanku.

Andai berminat mau tau lebih lagi tentang Gamelan di Malaysia, silakan ke Slendro atau ke Wikipedia aja ...


Altering Your Head to Fit a Cap?

Our honourable Shaykh was sitting once in the masjid and sitting near by was a child. Shaykh, in a playful manner, took off the cap of the child’s head and asked the child if he would let him keep it. Shaykh then addressed the gathering: “This cap can not fit my head because of its size and the size of my head.

He then said “Deen is like the head of person and the cap is us. Deen is a fixed religion sent by Allah and we have to work around to facilitate its requirements, just as you would do and alter the cap for it to fit you. However you wouldn’t trim your head so that the cap fits you?!

This is the condition of the Muslims today they change around the Deen to suit them. This is why the wrath of Allah descends. So we must change ourselves so that we fit in the different branches of the religion of Islam”.

by Usama Mahmood

(source: Aspirasi NDP, In Shaykh's Company )


Food of Thought 1

Of all the "attitudes" we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-challenging.

Dalam semua "attitude/sikap" yang boleh kita dapatkan, pastilah sikap untuk bersyukur/merasa untung adalah sikap yang paling penting, dan paling mencabar untuk bisa terdapatkan.

Dr. Jack Graham points out that each person in his or her lifetime will cultivate either an attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude, or an attitude of bitterness and arrogance. He expands on this by pointing out that a grateful child is far more likely to be a happy child. Conversely, a person who is angry and critical is basically unhappy.

Gratitude will not only make you healthy and happy, it will also change your perspective in life. Happy people primarily focus on others, unhappy people focus on themselves and wallow in self-pity and doubt. Grateful people are far more optimistic and see whatever circumstances they're in as an opportunity for good.

(Source: Breaking Through To The Next Level, by Zig Ziglar)


Pesona Kata

acungan cerita
terbaca dengan penuh perhatian
terkagum bicara santai penuh makna
terasa ikhlas jujur dari dalam dada
membuatku terpikir
akan sejatinya manusia
hamba yang tercipta paling unik
penuh variasi perangai dan kelakuan
berbagai olah dan tujuan
bedanya cuma cara dan prinsip yang terpakai
kuasa bahasa bukan mainan
media penghubung sesama insan
qalam dan kitab tetap saling bertautan
itulah senjata terampuh sepanjang zaman
harus tergubah dengan bijak
harus terukir dengan tulus
harus tersulam dengan indah
agar yang tersimpan paling dalam
dimengerti segala maksud dan tujuan
adalah titik mula, sebuah perjuangan ...

by f14/150408/9AM


Some jokes Ver 1

Buffet Lunch

We are having buffet at a hotel one Saturday afternoon in Shah Alam. Half way through the meal I get a churning in my tummy and I proceed to the washroom.
The first stall is taken, so i get into the second one. I've just taken off my pants to sit down when i hear a voice from other toilet, "Hi! How are you doing?"
I am not the type to strike up conversations with strangers in hotel washrooms. Nevertheless, I reply, "Not bad!"
Then the voice says, "How's the family?" I am starting to find it a bit weird, but out of courtesy I say, "They are well."
Then i hear the person, all flustered say, "Look, I'll call you back. Every time I ask you a question, this idiot in the next toilet keeps answering me!"

Doctor's Advice
Patient: Doc, I have some problem. I feel sick and depressed.
Doctor: You should cut down on drinks.
Patient: I don't touch a drop.
Doctor: You should cut down on smoking.
Patient: I don't smoke.
Doctor: You should not touch drugs.
Patient: I never touch drugs.
Doctor: You should cut down on womanising.
Patient: Haven't touch a woman in my life.
Doctor: In that case, get yourself a drink, learn to smoke, get some aspirins, and find yourself some girlfriends.

Sunway Lagoon
Three country bumpkins were in a car on their way to Sunway Lagoon. They saw a sign which says: SUNWAY LAGOON LEFT so they all went home.

On an Airplane to New York
Uncle Chong was seated next to an American on a trip to New York. The American turned to Uncle Chong and asked him, "What kind of 'ease' are you?"
Uncle was a bit confused and replied, "Sorry, i don't understand what you mean."
The American repeated, "What kind of 'ease' are you?"
Again, Uncle was confused over the question. The American, now, irritated and yelled, "What kind of 'ease' are you? Are you Chinese, Japanese or Vietnamese?"
Uncle then replied, "Oh, I am a Malaysian"
A little while later, Uncle Chong turned to the American and asked what kind of 'kee' he was.
The American frustrated yelled, "What do you mean what kind of 'kee' I am?"
Uncle Chong said, "Are you a yankee, donkey or monkey?"

(source: Laughter, the Best Malaysian by David Tong)


Take Your Pick

See if you can figure out this one:

You are driving along in your car in a wild, stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:

1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The prefect man (or) woman you have dreaming about.

Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only one passenger in your car?

You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first; or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the prefect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect dream lover again.

Which one of the above would you help?

The best solution would be to give the car key to your old friend, and let him to take the lady to the hospital. Stay behind, and wait for the bus with the woman of your dreams.

Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

(Source: Laughter, the best Malaysian by David Tong)


Haiku Pagi Isnin

indah berlagu
pagi isnin nan cerah

terpinar mata
bila cahya terpancar
siap membakar

aku dan angin
bersama mobil tua
di jalan raya

tiba inginku
di tepi laut biru
ombak menyapu

desirnya angin
bersama putih pasir
terasa dingin

kenangan lalu
tersingkap di kalbuku
di terengganu

harapan hati
menjejak kembaraku
ke situ lagi......



di satu perhentian
hati ini mengaduh
lelah terulit mimpi
hadap yang tak pasti

di suatu saat bergairah
menyulam cita
menganyam rasa
memintal tali ukhuwah
menggulung suara
mengalir dalam dada

hadaplah apa saja tantangan
pelajari setiap kekalahan
pasrahkan tiap ingin yang tersasar
relakan setiap kepergian
karna itu sejatinya perjuangan
susah dulu senang kemudian
biar putih tulang
putih di mata jangan
do'aku... bertahanlah...

by f14/110408/7:26AM


Free Time Wisdom?

Last weekend was a little different from other weekends I’ve had so far. I had learned in other perspective, what free time really means. I went for window shopping whilst waiting for my brother back from his school activity. Yes, strictly window shopping, I reminded myself (the last time I went window shopping, I end up with two shopping bags in my hand, a pair of new shoe in each of them ... hehehe).

But this time, as soon as I entered the mall, my eyes had been attracted to some rows of shelves, displaying some interesting books. Well, it’s not wrong to flip some of them and have a closer look, isn’t it? Hehe...

So, there was I... Flipping and reading... Most of them are motivational, personal development books, the type that I often find so interesting, so awakening about. Finally, I end up of buying two books, breaking that ‘window shopping’ rule once again. Hehe …

“Laughter the Best Malaysian, Great Jokes.. Malaysian Style” by David Tong.

This book claim to be destined as a BESTSELLER! hahaha… That quote alone is funny to me... It made me laugh... I seldom enjoy laughing lately, so I think this book will help me to cure back my laughing sense...hehehe...

Second book tittled “CONFIDENCE How to Succeed at Being Yourself” by the author of the international Best-Seller “The Friendship Factor” Alan Loy McGinnis. This book has been sold more than 270 thousand units. I chose this book based on the saleslady’s advice, when I had to choose between two different ones.

“To whom do you want to buy this book for?” she asked politely.

“Myself”, I replied her with smile, knowing what thought she probably had in mind.

“Then, I suggest you pick up this one (Alan Loy's). More worth buying”, said she, with smile too.

I should give credit to her for that advice. Those two books are really worth to add on my personal collections. I already started reading them, anytime, anywhere suitable. But, for my surprise, I found out there’s always time suitable for me to read them. Hahaha…

So now, I defined free time as a time that intentionally being made free to do something I like. Hehe… Yup, I’ll share the content of these books in this blog whenever I have that ‘free time’.

(p.s. I started to love using this phrase already... :-)


Dua malam di Genting Highland

First World Hotel from far

First World Hotel at night

Look up and you'll see heaven of lights

Big screen in the middle of the square

A ship that does flying, not sailing

Genting Walk

Me and Hannan

Mississippi Star

Paris disguise at night

Paris disguise at daylight

Ripley's Believe It or Not

San Frans disguise 1

San Frans disguise 2

'Dingin' outside

View from hotel window

Way back home



my little brother, very interested with the buttons, not the info .. hehe
a shark pass over our head thru the glass tunnel
looks like a plane isn't it?
OTAAKK (filem Zombie) berlatar belakangkan Malaysia Boleh! hahaha!
ikan sedang dating .. ..ehem ehem..They are BIG fish u know, selebar satu depa stp satu!
one of the biggest shark there
the cute nemo fish
dunno what this called, but sure, there r cute
eel .. eeeuuwwww....
another killer shark