Ada apa dengan Ketupat?

"Ketupat terdiri dari beras/nasi yang dibungkus daun kelapa muda dan janur (bahasa Jawa). Beras/nasi adalah simbol nafsu dunia. Sedangkan Janur yang dalam budaya Jawa Jarwa dhosok adalah “Jatining nur” (sejatinya nur), yaitu hati nurani. Jadi ketupat dimaksudkan sebagai lambang nafsu dan hati nurani, yang artinya agar nafsu dunia dapat ditutupi oleh hati nurani." Sumber: Blog uun-halimah

Rupa-rupanya nama ketupat bukan wujud secara kebetulan. Ada maksud tersirat yang dilambangkan oleh ketupat sebagai satu simbol dalam kehidupan. Terbukti pengolahan orang-orang terdahulu dalam mengungkai permasalahan hidup ternyata lebih kreatif dan unik.

Ada beberapa jenis ketupat; ketupat bawang, ketupat bata, dan ketupat lepat. Itu yang saya pernah dengar, tapi banyak lagi jenis ketupat yang saya tidak tau. Nama ketupat ada hubung kait dengan bentuknya. Misalnya, ketupat bata memang berbentuk empat segi macam batu bata. Ketupat bawang pula menyerupai bentuk bawang. Namun apa yang penting, setiap bentuk ada maksud dan tujuannya sendiri.

Ada banyak pengajaran yang tersimpan bila kita memaknai dengan mendalam tentang ketupat. Berikut ini petikan dari blog uun-Halimah untuk pelajaran bersama;

"Ketupat yang dalam bahasa Sunda juga disebut kupat, dimaksudkan agar seseorang jangan suka ngupat (Malay: mengumpat), yaitu membicarakan hal-hal buruk pada orang lain karena akan membangkitkan amarah. Dengan lambang ketupat ini dipesankan agar seseorang dapat menghindarkan diri dari tindak ngupat tersebut."

"Ketupat, kupat dalam budaya Jawa sebagai “Jarwa dhosok” juga berarti “ngaku lepat”. Dalam hal ini terkandung pesan agar seseorang segera mengakui kesalahannya apabila berbuat salah.

Tindakan “ngaku lepat” ini telah menjadi kebiasaan atau tradisi pada tanggal satu Syawal, yaitu setelah melaksanakan ibadah puasa dengan menyediakan hidangan ketupat berikut lauk pauknya di rumah-rumah, sehingga disebut dengan ketupat lebaran. Semua ini sebagai simbol pengakuan dosa baik terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa maupun terhadap sesama manusia.

Seiring dengan makna di atas dan erat sekali hubungannya dengan tanggal satu syawal, kupat adalah “jarwo dhosok” dari “laku papat” (empat tindakan). Budaya menyediakan hindangan ketupat pada tanggal satu syawal terkandung pesan agar seseorang melakukan tindakan yang empat tersebut, yaitu: lebaran, luberan, leburan dan laburan.

Lebaran, dari kata lebar yang berarti selesai. Ini dimaksudkan bahwa satu syawal adalah tanda selesainya menjalani puasa, maka satu syawal biasa disebut dengan Lebaran. Di hari Lebaran itu diharuskan untuk makan, tidak puasa lagi, puasanya sudah selesai.

Luberan, terkandung arti melimpah ibarat air dalam tempayan, isinya melimpah sehingga tumpah ke bawah. Ini simbol yang memberikan pesan untuk memberikan sebagian hartanya kepada fakir miskin, yaitu sadaqoh dengan ikhlas seperti tumpahnya/lubernya air dari tempayan tersebut.

Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam tradisi Islam, yaitu memberikan sadaqoh atau zakat fitrah pada satu syawal.

Leburan, seiring dengan pengertian ngaku “lepat”, yaitu saling mengaku berasal dan saling meminta maaf dalam budaya Jawa pelaksanaan Leburan dalam satu syawal nampak pada ucapan dari seseorang yang lebih rendah status sosialnya kepada seseorang yang lebih tinggi status sosialnya atau dari anak kepada orang tua, yaitu ucapan “Mugi segeda lebur ing dinten menika”. Maksudnya bahwa semua kesalahan dapat lepas dan dimaafkan pada hari tersebut.

Laburan. Labur (kapur) adalah bahan untuk memutihkan dinding. Dalam hal ini sebagai simbol yang memberikan pesan untuk senantiasa menjaga kebersihan diri lahir dan batin. Jadi setelah melaksanakan leburan (saling maaf memaafkan) dipesankan untuk menjaga sikap dan tindak yang baik, sehingga dapat mencerminkan budi pekerti yang baik pula.

Tim Koordinasi Siaran Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan. 1995. Aneka Ragam Khasanah Budaya Nusantara VI. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan."

p.s. Kesal belum berjaya buat ketupat, padahal dah belajar dan dah jadi, tapi lupa lagi :-)


You Tag, I follow - II

This time, I've been tagged by Nini. Sorry babe, for my late action, baru perasan. :-p

Person who been tagged only need to copy the image below and post it in your blog. Then continue this tag to the minimum of 5 muslim bloggers that you know. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog and write down your blog address after the blog address of the person who tagged you.
Got the tag from:antownholic.blogspot.com, reskitrianto.blogspot.com, bashrie.blogspot.com, juzzyouandme.blogspot.com, sweethoney sofiaroxy, Zhoewynz.blogspot.com, UmmiRosma, Munirah Abd, theorangelily.blogspot.com, lilred799.blogspot.com, thecuppycakeyumyum.blogspot.com, shikinsaiful.blogspot.com, azmiworld.blogspot.comombaktakjahat.blogspot.com,zliah.blogspot.com,alia-cikedil.blogspot.com,airyahoney.blogspot.com, annhani.blogspot.com, cerita-nini.blogspot.com, aquf14.blogspot.com

This tag is going to be passed to anyone celebrating both Ramadhan & Syawal out there(#)


Penjara Sg Buloh, my paradigm shift

Sunday, 21 Sept 2008, Penjara Sg. Buloh was my destination for the weekend. I have a friend in prison? Yes, but not for criminal act. He was locked up for having faulty document (the common fault for immigrant like us). This entry is not going to discuss further on the case, because everything is being handled accordingly now. But this is my very first experience to visit someone at prison. I had put kinda negative thought in my mind, thinking that the prison and prisoners will look something like the one at the movies. Horrible.

So, with all that uncertain feelings, I entered the place.
After registering our car at the guard entrance, parked, and then we proceed to the service counter. There were many people with the same intention like us, to visit their relatives. When I saw few of the friendly signs welcoming visitors and promoting their 3S service (Salam, Senyum, Sabar) , I put some kinda hope for my friend in there will not be treated as bad.

And, thank God, he doesn't seems to be in condition I have pictured out in my head. I was so relief to see his face even clearer and cleaner than before. I was glad that he doesn't look like the way his brother described to me about him when he was detained at the place for the first time. It's been 15 days now since he being locked up. He might already have some kind of understanding of the situation and have start knowing his peers. I shouldn't be so surprise when he told me that he make friends with many Baweanese, mostly detained for the same reason. Hmm.. we Baweanese start building up our population everywhere on the globe, even in prison ? But, whenever it is about immigrant issues, we the immigrant will surely take part, not just for the good ones, but also for something not so good. That is so human.

I remember once Abah mentioned a very good thought. Jejari besi hanya boleh memenjarakan badan, kaki dan tangan , tapi bukan hati. Well... being locked up is never useless. Despite the experiences they need to go through during punishment period, prisoners should not be idle. In fact, they are to be as productive. HAMKA completed his Tafsir Al-Azhar while in prison. I hope he got what I meant from this example. And also I hope, he'll be able to extract the good things out of the bad and make use of the experiences he gained to lead his life for the better future. (fia)


You Tag? I Follow..

I've been tag by Sya. What it taste to be tagged really?

1) Pertama kali naik kapal terbang.
Pindah ke Malaysia, tahun 1989.

2) Pertama kali beranak.
Beranak biologi ? Belum :-D

3) Pertama kali pergi luar negara
Selama stay di Malaysia, ... pertama kali ke luar negara, mestilah balik kampung Pulau Bawean ku. (1992)

4) Pertama kali duduk jauh dari keluarga.
Ijazah Sarjana Muda di KUSTEM Terengganu untuk 3 Tahun. Itu pertama kali.

5) Pertama kali kerja.
Promoter pakaian kanak-kanak Minikids di Fajar Supermarket, Damansara Utama.(1996). Pernah jumpe tak? :-p

6) Pertama kali rasa diri gemuk.
Pernah ke? Tak ingat. Sebab asik kuruuus je. Bila tah nak gemuk.

7) Pertama kali bercinta.
Cinta monyet, waktu skolah rendah. Mane dia skarang? hmm..

8) Pertama kali rasa diri cantik.
Pertama kali kenal cermin. (sbb slalu perasan hehe)

9) Pertama kali masuk panggung wayang.
emm.. tah.. tak ingat. Masa univ dulu kot. O ya, dulu Golden Key ada menganjurkan satu tayangan gambar di Uni. Saya AJK. Itu pertama kali.... kot?

10) Pertama kali dimasukkan ke hospital.
Appendix operation, masa darjah 6. Ambk UPSR kat spital. Yes, appendix i dah kena buang, cacat ke?

It taste sincerity :-) Anyone seeing this are tagged too ! ;-)


KBRI – Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia, a great relief.

Monday Sept 15, 2008 was another day of me learning another new experience. I was in a sick leave due to bad flu since the day before. But somehow, I managed to visit the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia at Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, when a friend called up for 'recsue' to settle some formal related transaction late in the afternoon. Though this visit was not properly planned, but I’m truly glad of what I’ve found there, something that I’ve been longing to see since years and years ago. So many changes on the look, on the people and environment, had put everything became so much different than my many experiences visiting this place before. Thank you KBRI for making the good governance campaign a reality. What is so different about KBRI this time?

We reached the location at about 5.40 pm after struggling from the usual hectic traffic at Jalan Tun Razak. The counters open till 9.00 pm every day during month of Ramadhan to accomodate the huge amount of people traveling back to Indonesia for ‘pulang kampung’ season. I realized we’ve used different entrance than the one I often used to get in. Once I entered, changes were very visible, especially on its infrastructures. I managed to snap few photos. But knowing that I was not satisfied with what I took, I browse through KBRI website for additional info and better illustrations.

staff entrance
KBRI, the front entrance to the staff office, not for public.
(Source: My Snap)

Information board shows off some recent photos
(Source: My Snap)

There’s a dedicated fence-guarded line especially made for people to queue up while waiting for their turn, maybe to collect forms or something. No one was on the line that time because it was already late evening. But, I’m sure the number of people who needed the service had never been decreasing. As expected, here’s the photo from KBRI website showing the reality. But, at least for now, the condition is much more structured. Compare both pictures, before and after, and you’ll understand what I meant.

The crowd 'lines' (Before)
(Source: KBRI Gallery)
The crowd lines (After)
(Source: KBRI Gallery)

Before entering the waiting area, I saw a proper washroom and musholla, separated for both ladies and gents. This is definitely far better than the previous!; (only ONE unisex toilet accommodated for hundreds of people!)

Washrooms & musholla just before the entrance to the waiting room
(Source: KBRI Gallery)

Applicants busy filling forms. This view is common even after the establishment of the new system. I wonder why.
(Source: KBRI Gallery)

Meanwhile, the waiting area is air-conditioned and equipped with color-coded chairs; yellow allocated for document applicants and brown for document collectors; both strategically located facing the service counters. KBRI has developed a new integrated service system by adding up another 8 counters (from original 17 counters), complete with electronic numbering system, plus musholla, washrooms and air-conditioned waiting room. All these were funded via compensation of the ruined area caused by construction work for a new apartment built exactly next to KBRI.
Apart from that, KBRI added more local resources from 74 staffs to 137 staffs totally. With all these new facilities, KBRI had put intensive and serious act to shorten up the process of passport application period from the duration of 41 days, to just 3 hours. That’s a huge gap!

This is a fresh new look, though the old wood benches was installed for temporary use.
(Source: KBRI Gallery)

The electronic numbering system.
(Source: KBRI Gallery)

Proper seats for everyone.
(Source: My Snap)
(Source: My Snap)

The counters
(Source: KBRI Gallery)

The Staffs
(Source: KBRI Gallery)
(Source: KBRI Gallery)

As far as I could remember, within these 21 years of my permanent stay in Malaysia, I had experience the old, exhausted, stuffy feeling of the condition in this Embassy too many times already. Once, I'd compared the condition with Australian High Commission (the only Embassy of other country I’ve had experience with), hati seperti mau menangis, ternyata bedanya seperti langit dan bumi. Truly, deeply from my heart, this change had put me into a big relief and gratefulness. I’m sure many Indonesian felt the same way too. Well, we can’t expect everything to turn up 100% perfect. They've just started the system around 2007. It wasn't a new invention anyway because other system out there is far modern and a lot more sophisticated. But, improvement process needs time and we need to be patient to support the management of KBRI improving their service. For instance, KBRI had bought 12,500 m2 piece of land at Putrajaya to develop new location of KBRI which will be more representative to become a greater landmark for Indonesia. Congrates!

(Refference: KBRI website, Own experience)


Carving The Pathetic

That moment
When sight is thin
And sound's deafening
I held my breath
Your sorrow eyes starring
Tugging my heart till break

That moment
When engine's screeching
And the car starts moving
To make way between us again

You wave your hope
You smile in pain
For you and me to obey this cycle
This is what we need to prevail

Carving the pathetic moment
With you my beloved gentleman
I had neither doubts nor regrets
For all we've been through
And all that still awaits
I pray the best for you always

Love is a sweet torment they say
Yes indeed ...
but I, will lead my way!


The Intervals

:: Interval - The set of all numbers x satisfying 0 < x < 1 is an interval which contains 0 and 1, as well as all numbers between them ::

This definition is going to explain a little bit of the reason why my writing has been suspended for quite a while these few days. It's been experiencing few unusual processes during the interval period.

Between 0 and 1, many things can happen and it has a lot of potential to change one perspectives, paradigms, point of views, says, or whatever you wanna call it as. This kinda interval happens all the time in our life and it has become some kind of energy booster to ones life. How?

This reminds me of a story of two men, whose been given a task to axe wood. Both men work hard to complete the job. One did it continuously, non-stop. Another did stop for a while to take rest, before continuing the job. When the times up, both stop at the same time, but surprisingly enough, both have equally chopped the same amount of wood!

What actually happened was, during his interval, that man not just taking a break to regain back his energy but also to sharpen his axe. So, when he continues axing, he’s starting new, he’s fresh and energetic; his tool is sharp enough for him to be able to cut wood faster than the other man.

That is supposed to be the real meaning of interval. When you decide to take a break, plan for a holiday and enjoy life in the midst of your hectic (subjective to your own definition of hectic) moment, spend your time wisely. When you do it right, the positivism you longing for will appear in your most unpredicted moment, and then you’ll be surprised that it’s not the end of the world yet 8-)

This writing has a lot relation with this one : Kesedihan Atas Kesedihan