Ikut Hati Mati

ikut hati, mati
ikut rasa, binasa
bila hati mati
sikit pun tak rasa

ikut hati, mati
ikut rasa, binasa
panas macam api
tapi habuk pun tak ada

ikut hati mati
ikut rasa binasa
ikut aku kau tak sudi
ikut dia kau terpaksa

ikut hati, mati
ikut rasa, binasa
buat apa tabur budi
kalau memang terpaksa

ikut hati, mati
ikut rasa, binasa
bilalah nak jadi
tau berangan saja

ikut hati mati
ikut rasa binasa
bila kepala di kaki
apa pun tak guna

ikut hati mati
ikut rasa binasa
marahlah diri sendiri
marah orang buat apa

ikut hati mati
ikut rasa binasa
ikut hati, hatiku mati
ikut rasa, aku binasa

dari kepala sampai kaki
aturlah dengan bijaksana
dari telinga, mata lalu turun ke hati
itulah proses akal yang sempurna



Award from Mr Alim

I started blogging with very little knowledge about it, and I dedicate my biggest heart to hope for excitement on this new world exploration. The results of the exploration are varies. One that clearly excites me is the effort of upgrading my writing skills. I will never do this more seriously if it’s not because of blogging. Word filtering, searching for suitable vocabs, and correcting grammar mistakes are such a tiny and tidy job to do.

Besides that, exploring other blogs are not less exciting. Some has really become additional food for my thoughts. Some just create colorful inspiration for new ideas to come. And this posting is dedicated to an award I receive from Mr Alim Mahdi, Director of Lembaga Amil Zakat, DSM Bali, located at Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia (please correct me if I’m wrong). He is actively blogging at Seputar Bali (http:/alimmahdi.blogspot.com). I had learned many good lessons from there. Most of his writings are embedded with hidden and visible ‘hikmah’, or lessons. I should say that is a smart way to present something good to people. We call it ‘fathonah’, right?

Thank you, Sir.

I know one term often used by Javanese to show immatureness of things. ‘Masih bau kencur’, meaning not yet matured, right? That is how I see on my blog. I’m a beginner with a lot more to learn. Thanx again and Wish me Luck! :-)

p.s. I know who else worth this .. I dunno if they have receive this one before, but it's okay. Let just say that you win this twice. Haha.. Sya, Nini, Sue and Aisy I present this award now to you! Please accept. TQ.

Wassalam (#fia)


Tagged again - - doubled

Do you guys know the benefit of tagging people around? It helps not-so-active-blogger, like me, to update their blog more constantly. Isn't that good? :-)

This time now, I would like to send my thanks to Sya and Nini for passing another tag. Sorry guys for my respond is a bit late. It's almost the same tag. So, I would prefer to compose them together at the same posting. May this work out right. (There's no rule saying I can't combine tags, isn't it? Hehe...)

From Sya:

* take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW.
-- i comply with this 100% . It was taken using my hp cam right after I read this instruction .. hehe
* DONT change your cloth.
* DONT fix your hair, just take a picture.
* Post that picture with NO editing.
* post this instruction with your picture.
* Tag 10 people to do this.

From Nini:

1. Do you think you're hot?
Now? No. Only when I'm angry :p
2. Upload your fave picture of you
Please see below. (Recently took pic. It may not be my fav, but for the sake of this posting, Yes. hehe)
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Can't really recall. A month ago, i guess. Muak makan pizza. Asal stay back buat tender je, boss treat pizza.
5. The last song you listen to?
Now, I'm listening to "SO WHAT" by Pink. Nice song, nice lyric. Suits with my enthusiastic energetic feeling now! :p
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Listen to Pink voice la..
7. What name you prefer besides yours?
-enthusiast bloom- is my other nick... fyi only :p

People to tag:
I can't think of any. I got limited blogger frens, you see..
So, please pity me and excuse me with this one. Hihi.. Thank u & i Luv u :D

8. Who is number one? -NA-
9. Number three is having relationship with? -NA-
10. Say something about number five? -NA-
11. How about number four? -NA-
12. Who is number two? -NA-


Kercengan Bawean

Kercengan Kampung Melayu Subang
Location : Kampung Keramat, Lorong Keramat 20
Date : 16 November 2008

This group has established since 1997, according to their Leader, Mr Saipi. For my surprise, this group has so many experiences performing in formal parties, not just for weddings but also performing in formal events for VIPs, opening ceremony for important events at hotels, and performing together with local artist like Mawi?! Are you sure? Hehe.. well.. let's hope the very best for them..


Living within Our Differences

Being different is being so human. At least, that is one lesson I've learned from life experiences so far. Then, one gentleman came up to give my mind a deeper thought about it. He said, "We are all different. We are the same because we are different." Confused at first, but a great relief after that when I realized and admitted how true his statement was.

Growing up in an environment that is different from my Boyanese background, I had started to feel 'different' way back then, since I was very very young. At the beginning, I did learn about my differences among people without realizing others too, has their own differences in many ways. That discriminate thinking I adapted always hold me back by acquiring the feeling of how odd and how weird I was for being so different compared to others around me.

Well... time has changed and people won't stop learning new lessons from life, so people changed. And, Fiya changed too. Given so many chances to win some and to learn some from life experiences, I feel truly grateful of what I am now and putting undivided faith to what stands before and after me. Gratitude, is not easy sometimes, but it's not that complicated to possess, especially when all you want in life is; Happiness.

Benefit of having Differences
Differences created with purpose.
Different are variant. Variants create rhythms. Rhythms content harmonies.
In music world, if tone or sounds are all the same, music is flat, or there’ll be no music at all.
In life, how to differentiate between living things if they are all created with the same features? Will there be any life at all??
There’ll be no name for unity if people in the world created with same characteristics. (Related posting: Bersatu)
In a group, if there’s no different between desires, ideas, and wants, there’ll be no need for innovations. (Related posting: Uniqueness of Blood Type)
There’ll be no chemistry and love needed between man and woman if there’s no gap to fill in between them.

Bad Thing in Feeling Different
People say, being different is being unique. When you start to feel unique day by day, this may end up with two results.
One, arrogant, where you’ll feel others around you are just lousy, narrow-minded, kampungan like ‘katak bawah tempurung’.
Or, secondly, you’ll just turn out to be more and more weird (or, unique - if it’s still be your definition), the weirdo among the normals…. Hahaha..!

Everyone is different. The only thing makes us the same is because we are all different. Read al-Ma'idah:48, isn't that being different just part of the whole Test?