An evening with Abah

Gosh! A new posting at last!
After few idle days, finally I manage to write and post something to wake this blog up. So many things, so many events, so many on going activities... but I can't squeezed one little moment to, at least, use them here to freshen this blog with new info.

Flash back of 2008,

Tea with Abah at Mid Valley

Dec 23: a meeting with Hj Samri Barik, I used to call ‘Abah’, a Singaporean Baweanese. I met him for the first time online, but manage to meet him in real on his recent visits to KL. Abah came down together with family and a friend via KTM just for the purpose of leisure and visiting his old time friends.

How did I get into picture? Well … through internet, almost everything is possible nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, but this is one of the topics we’ve used for discussion during the meeting. Yes, we managed to know many new people through internet. That is so normal. But, to meet someone who is in Baweanese origin, that is wonders for me. Well at least, that was my first feeling when I first bump into someone from Bawean online. Thanx to Baweanese websites, blogs, and online forums creators and moderators, all of you has done a good job in looking forward into the new era of change through the world of internet. Of course, the transition will not be as smooth as planned, but we are hoping things will get improved by time.

The meeting was great. We shared and exchange information on life experiences, and from my young and immature thought, I found out there’s a huge gap between Baweanese Malaysian, Singaporean and Indonesian. Bawean at Bawean Island itself is fighting for their basic facilities; most common are the needs of electricity and proper transportation. Bawean in Malaysia is fighting with negative image by Indonesian illegal immigrant, improper management of work permits as well as dealing on how to get proper place for living. Whereas Bawean in Singapore, mostly are fighting on how to plan for better future, child education, life insurance and compensation for their retirement plan.

Well... of course there’ll be few exception cases on these categories, but I would want to say these as the most common from what I’ve learned so far. Nevertheless, I believe things will turn better and better somehow by the existence of awareness among Baweanese. They have proved this little by little; what we need is patience and get involved in supporting the process of improvement in whatever way possible.



  1. paparkan juga dong..pandangannya tentang pendidikan bawean malaysia yang ibunya setakat ikut suami atau pemegang permit..banyak di antara mereka tidak bersekolah..kami ingin tahu pandangan dan solusi apa yang mereka pimpinan punya

    on January 12, 2009 at 8:36 PM