My Car Engine Overhaul: A taste of my own medicine

My car had experienced an ‘over-hole’ last few days and it has caused me a bomb! Hehehe...
And, sadly to know that it happens because of my lack of knowledge about car engines and relying too much to other people.

Luckily a cousin of mine, (baweanese of course), had a friend who could 'kow-tim' this matter just by the tip of his fingers.. hihihi.. So, they helped me a lot to lessen the cost.

And, not less surprising, this guy, Mail, is very expert and has done a good job. He did it even better and did it more than a normal workshop will. I was there during part of the installation process.... And, for a not-so-knowledgeable lady like me, they were definitely amazing .. They cleaned everything and make everything look like sparkling new.. hehehe.

Thank you guys for your help .. I could fly back on the road with pride, feeling everything just like new!